How Much Is Road Tax For A Motorhome?
As with any car, truck or van, motorhome owners must pay road tax to drive their vehicle on UK roads. But what are the rules surrounding motorhome road tax? Have there been any recent changes? Most importantly, how much is road tax for a motorhome?
What Is Motorhome Road Tax?
Road tax, also known as 'Vehicle Tax' or 'Vehicle Excise Duty (VED)', is an annual fee that must be paid by those driving on public roads in the UK.
How much is road tax for a motorhome?
That depends on a few different factors which we'll discuss further below.
For those driving motorhomes registered before 1 April 2017 or after 11 March 2020, the government calculates road tax by considering the vehicle's weight and engine size.
For motorhomes registered between the 2 dates listed above, different rules may apply if your motorhome has what's known as a "final stage certificate of conformity". Most don't, in which case the normal rules for road tax will apply.
Revenue Weight
The Revenue Weight, also known as Maximum Authorised Mass or Gross Vehicle Weight will determine how much a driver pays in road tax for their motorhome. Revenue Weight takes various factors of the motorhome into account.
By adding the weight of the motorhome with a full tank of fuel, its required fluids, the driver and passenger weights and their luggage, you can calculate the Revenue Weight of your motorhome. Don't worry, you don't need to do this yourselves as the manufacturer will have done so already and you can find the revenue weight of your motorhome in your user manual or printed on a plate or sticker that's been attached to the vehicle itself.
Revenue Weight is then split into two categories: those with a weight of under 3,500kg and those over (but don't worry, we'll return to that later!)
There are other factors that government officials consider when determining road tax. The following types of vehicles are considered legally exempt from paying Road Tax:
Electric Motorhomes: If your motorhome is powered electrically, don't worry about Road Tax! As long as the electricity powering your motorhome comes from an external source, is not connected to any source of power whilst moving, or comes from a hydrogen fuel cell, then Road Tax is something you won't have to pay.
Disabled Motorhome Drivers: The Blue Badge Scheme is a government-funded scheme whereby disabled drivers can park free in easy-access parking spaces. If you own a blue badge or are disabled and drive a motorhome, you may be exempt from Road Tax too, but be sure to check.
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Motorhome Tax Rules Changes
While these regulations might seem relatively straightforward, road tax for motorhomes has altered significantly over the last few years:
2019 EU Policy
On the 1st of September 2019, the government brought EU regulations on motorhome classifications into UK law. Before this, the UK categorised motorhomes as falling under Private/Light Goods or Private HGV vehicles.
However, after EU regulations, some motorhomes were now considered 'Light Commercial Vehicles' (LCVs). Motorhomes with a Gross Vehicle Weight under 3.5 tonnes (or 3,500kg) now stood alongside vehicles like vans and minivans.
For a driver to register an LCV for Road Tax, they had to provide the vehicle's CO2 emissions figure. This EU regulation meant that other contributing factors, such as Gross Vehicle Weight, were dismissed.
The EU legislation recategorizing motorhomes was catastrophic for drivers who registered their vehicles after the 1st of September 2019. As motorhome Road Tax was now calculated solely on Co2 emissions, this caused an eye-watering 700% increase in price!
Drivers were now paying an annual tax fee of £2,135 instead of the standard £265. Luckily for motorhome owners, this legislation was overturned by the UK government as of March 2020.
All new motorhomes have since returned to their original classifications of Private/Light Goods or Private HGV vehicles. However, those who paid the skyrocketed Road Tax price of £2,135 were unable to receive a refund.
So as of 2022, how much is road tax for a motorhome owner? Let's find out based on their Revenue Weight...
Road tax for motorhomes weighing under 3,500kg?
Motorhomes with a revenue weight less than 3,500kg (or 3.5 tonnes) are 'Private/Light Goods Vehicles' (or PLGVs). If you own a PLGV motorhome with an engine size of 1549cc or less, your annual Road Tax will be £180 for 12 months. [1]
However, PLGVs with an engine size of more than 1549cc will be required to pay an annual Road Tax fee of £295.
Road tax for motorhomes weighing over 3,500kg?
Motorhomes with a revenue weight in excess of 3,500kg are 'Private Heavy Goods' vehicles (or PHGV). If you own a PHGV motorhome, you will be charged £165 for your yearly Road Tax.
Road tax for motorhomes built before 1 January 1981?
Some motorhomes built before the 1st of January 1982 are considered classic or 'historic' vehicles. As a result, you can apply for historic tax exemptions!
From the 1st of April 2021, owners of vintage motorhomes could apply to the government to cease their annual Road Tax payments. However, you must still tax your vehicle to drive it on the road! Check the government website for more information if you're unsure whether your motorhome qualifies for a road tax exemption[2].
[1] Data correct as of 27 February 2023. For up to date figures, visit https://www.gov.uk/vehicle-tax-rate-tables/rates-for-motorhomes [2] https://www.gov.uk/historic-vehicles/vehicles-exempt-from-vehicle-tax